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What a powerful experience! I would recommend  that as many people as possible sit under these beautiful pyramids to reconnect with the innate wisdom of radiant health within.
Cathryn Schoenfarber, Owner of Spirit Wellness Institute

1. IMAGINE THE POWER OF A SCULPTURE THAT IS DESIGNED BY GOD -  As clear as if you were speaking to her, artist Ellen Epstein,  is guided by God to each specific color, texture, shape and placement of glass, out of thousands of sheets of glass, and then she is told the specific intention for each pyramid.

Copper pyramids increase alpha brainwaves which can increase relaxation, reduce anxiety, lower stress, improve creative thinking, promote mental clarity & positivity, improve concentration, decrease depression. Each Marblehead Sculpture pyramid is created with a copper pyramid which is hand-crafted by artist, Ellen Epstein.

3. BEING BATHED IN COLOR HAS BEEN USED FOR CENTURIES TO HAVE A BENEFICIAL EFFECT ON MIND AND BODY - Each and every color is an energy frequency that affects the body/mind. Imagine or think how different it feels to stand in a room with bright red walls, a room with all white walls, or a room with all green walls. The colors for each sculpture are Divinely chosen and combined to create a frequency that resonates with the intention of the sculpture.

4. EVERY SCULPTURE IS NOT ONLY BATHED IN LOVE BUT A LIFE ENHANCING INTENTION IS IMPRINTED ENERGETICALLY ON EACH ONE. - Each sculpture is created with the intention to radiate positive energy along with a more specific intention. Ellen transcribes from God the specific intention at the completion of each pyramid.

5. THE RESULTS ARE IN THE PROOF - People who have sat in the pyramids have reported everything from feeling relaxed & peaceful to experiencing a sense of cellular cleansing to hearing messages to even feeling hands relax their shoulders. 

6. EVERYONE CAN ENJOY THEM...BOTH BEAUTIFUL AND BENEFICIAL! - Whatever your age, sex, race or beliefs, these pyramids can benefit everyone!


"It was amazing. Serene and calming with a sense of coming home to myself".

"Feels like a warm hug".

"I would live under one of these if I could".

"I felt this incredible healing energy being directed at my face and my entire torso. It felt incredibly healing and deep."

"What a magical experience.Thank you so much".

"Sitting underneath these pyramids I had the somatic experience of knowing that the frequency of health is very deeply related to a pure state of joy".

"I felt a wave of energy move through my body that not only felt like home, but it feels nourishing as well."

"Feels like a cellular cleansing".

"I felt an incredible sense of calm and peace throughout my whole body."

"I almost fell asleep! A tremendous sense of peace and tranquility".

"I didn't want to leave".

"I got an answer to something I have been trying to figure out for a very long time".

"I'm generally an "energy" skeptic, but I can definitely feel the energy

sitting under the pyramids. I experienced pure relaxation while sitting there."

What People are Saying
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